Thursday, May 21, 2009

foods effect on the human emotions

For a long time people have known that fast foods among other types of food create disheartening effects upon your body, but recently we have found that it also has an effect upon your emotions too. For example if you eat high carbohydrate meals like pasta you will become more inclined to be lethargic, also protein will make you desire to become physically active. Furthermore scientists have found the amount of food you eat while in a growth spurt can effect your IQ, for example a group of scientists tested three groups of children who were given different amounts of food when in the infantile stage of development when the infants were given less food their IQ was likewise, when given more IQ went up.


  1. Wow...I'm really interested in learning more about this study. Can you link the website? Is there any harm in eating too much of one type of food, even if it does help the IQ? I'd be really interested, too, in how long it takes for a change to be registered. It sounds like a great topic...I look forward to more good stuff! Mrs. K

  2. I didnt get it from a web page. but ill research your points. thank you.

  3. levi that first post was very interesting i did not know that eating different portions of food couldn effect your iq but now i know.

  4. No wonder I'm an idiot i sometimes dont eat breakfast or lunch! Thank you for proving for me that im mathematicly challenged. Nice blog. :)
